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This format allows specifying a custom format string with placeholders for values with a specified escaping rule.

It uses settings format_template_resultset, format_template_row (format_template_row_format), format_template_rows_between_delimiter and some settings of other formats (e.g. output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers when using JSON escaping, see further)

Setting format_template_row specifies the path to the file containing format strings for rows with the following syntax:

delimiter_1${column_1:serializeAs_1}delimiter_2${column_2:serializeAs_2} ... delimiter_N,

where delimiter_i is a delimiter between values ($ symbol can be escaped as $$), column_i is a name or index of a column whose values are to be selected or inserted (if empty, then column will be skipped), serializeAs_i is an escaping rule for the column values. The following escaping rules are supported:

  • CSV, JSON, XML (similar to the formats of the same names)
  • Escaped (similar to TSV)
  • Quoted (similar to Values)
  • Raw (without escaping, similar to TSVRaw)
  • None (no escaping rule, see further)

If an escaping rule is omitted, then None will be used. XML is suitable only for output.

So, for the following format string:

Search phrase: ${SearchPhrase:Quoted}, count: ${c:Escaped}, ad price: $$${price:JSON};

the values of SearchPhrase, c and price columns, which are escaped as Quoted, Escaped and JSON will be printed (for select) or will be expected (for insert) between Search phrase:, , count:, , ad price: $ and ; delimiters respectively. For example:

Search phrase: 'bathroom interior design', count: 2166, ad price: $3;

In cases where it is challenging or not possible to deploy format output configuration for the template format to a directory on all nodes in a cluster, or if the format is trivial then format_template_row_format can be used to set the template string directly in the query, rather than a path to the file which contains it.

The format_template_rows_between_delimiter setting specifies the delimiter between rows, which is printed (or expected) after every row except the last one (\n by default)

Setting format_template_resultset specifies the path to the file, which contains a format string for resultset. Setting format_template_resultset_format can be used to set the template string for the result set directly in the query itself. Format string for resultset has the same syntax as a format string for row and allows to specify a prefix, a suffix and a way to print some additional information. It contains the following placeholders instead of column names:

  • data is the rows with data in format_template_row format, separated by format_template_rows_between_delimiter. This placeholder must be the first placeholder in the format string.
  • totals is the row with total values in format_template_row format (when using WITH TOTALS)
  • min is the row with minimum values in format_template_row format (when extremes are set to 1)
  • max is the row with maximum values in format_template_row format (when extremes are set to 1)
  • rows is the total number of output rows
  • rows_before_limit is the minimal number of rows there would have been without LIMIT. Output only if the query contains LIMIT. If the query contains GROUP BY, rows_before_limit_at_least is the exact number of rows there would have been without a LIMIT.
  • time is the request execution time in seconds
  • rows_read is the number of rows has been read
  • bytes_read is the number of bytes (uncompressed) has been read

The placeholders data, totals, min and max must not have escaping rule specified (or None must be specified explicitly). The remaining placeholders may have any escaping rule specified. If the format_template_resultset setting is an empty string, ${data} is used as the default value. For insert queries format allows skipping some columns or fields if prefix or suffix (see example).

Example Usage

Selecting Data

Select example:

SELECT SearchPhrase, count() AS c FROM test.hits GROUP BY SearchPhrase ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 5 FORMAT Template SETTINGS
format_template_resultset = '/some/path/resultset.format', format_template_row = '/some/path/row.format', format_template_rows_between_delimiter = '\n '


<html> <head> <title>Search phrases</title> </head>
<table border="1"> <caption>Search phrases</caption>
<tr> <th>Search phrase</th> <th>Count</th> </tr>
<table border="1"> <caption>Max</caption>
<b>Processed ${rows_read:XML} rows in ${time:XML} sec</b>


<tr> <td>${0:XML}</td> <td>${1:XML}</td> </tr>


<html> <head> <title>Search phrases</title> </head>
<table border="1"> <caption>Search phrases</caption>
<tr> <th>Search phrase</th> <th>Count</th> </tr>
<tr> <td></td> <td>8267016</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>bathroom interior design</td> <td>2166</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>clickhouse</td> <td>1655</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>spring 2014 fashion</td> <td>1549</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>freeform photos</td> <td>1480</td> </tr>
<table border="1"> <caption>Max</caption>
<tr> <td></td> <td>8873898</td> </tr>
<b>Processed 3095973 rows in 0.1569913 sec</b>

Inserting Data

Insert example:

Some header
Page views: 5, User id: 4324182021466249494, Useless field: hello, Duration: 146, Sign: -1
Page views: 6, User id: 4324182021466249494, Useless field: world, Duration: 185, Sign: 1
Total rows: 2
format_template_resultset = '/some/path/resultset.format', format_template_row = '/some/path/row.format'
FORMAT Template


Some header\n${data}\nTotal rows: ${:CSV}\n


Page views: ${PageViews:CSV}, User id: ${UserID:CSV}, Useless field: ${:CSV}, Duration: ${Duration:CSV}, Sign: ${Sign:CSV}

PageViews, UserID, Duration and Sign inside placeholders are names of columns in the table. Values after Useless field in rows and after \nTotal rows: in suffix will be ignored. All delimiters in the input data must be strictly equal to delimiters in specified format strings.

Format Settings